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3 Vesting THE HIERARCHICAL ORDER OF THE DIVINE AND HOLY LITURGY OF OUR FATHER AMONG THE SAINTS JOHN CHRYSOSTOM VESTING The Priests st facing center Deacons or Servers st facing ards West As Bishop arrives at door Tempe, he is presented ith bread sat If he ishes, Chief Warden Parish may greet Bishop ith ords ecome The Parish Priest may aso address Bishop, asking for his hoy prayers, etc In some paces, as Bishop enters Narx Peope sing: Tone 7 Buharski & b «œ œ œˆ œ Greeting Hierarch From ris ing set ting & b œ From ris ing set ting? b From ris ing set ting & b œ ««ˆœ œˆ ««««œˆ ˆœ ˆœ œˆ œ_ Name be Lord is praised Bes sed be name & b œ Name Lord is be praised sun sun sun Bes sed? b œ Name Lord is be praised Bes sed be be name name & b «ˆœ«ˆœ Lord hence forth for ev er more & b œ œ Lord hence forth for ev er more? b œ Lord hence forth for ev er more I1

4 Vesting The Bishop hs his aking stick Server (ho puts it aay) The Bishop n sts on Oretz by door he Cergy make three metanias East The Cergy turn bo Bishop ho besses m The Prodeacon First Deacon raise censers Prodeacon asks bessing for censers Prodeacon: Bess, Master, censers The Subdeacons pace Myas on Bishop as Ceebrant Prosis brings him Cross on tray The Bishop makes a metania Cross, takes Cross kisses it The Ceebrant Prosis kisses Bishop s h returns his pace A Priests, according rank, come kiss Cross Bishop s h Finay, Ceebrant Prosis comes forard kiss Cross Bishop s h The Bishop returns Cross tray The Crozierbearer hs Crozier Bishop The Cergy again bo Bishop ho besses m Deacon: Wisdom! The Prodeacon begins say quiety, but in an audibe voice: It is truy right or appropriate Irmos Ninth Ode from Canon Matins on Great Feasts Lord Theokos during ir afterfeasts I2

5 œ_ œ_ beyond compare Vesting Tone 6 Irmosi # # # & It is tru ;y right bess you, O The o kos, # # # & It is tru ;y right bess you, O The o kos,? # # # œ It is tru ;y right bess you, O The & # # # œ #œ # ev er bes sed most pure Moth er our God # # # & ev er bes sed most pure Moth? # # # œ ev er bes sed most pure & # # # #œ be than u More hon ra be than cher u bim, Moth er er more gor o i ous our our God God kos,? # # # More hon ra be than cher u bim, more gor i ous More hon ra cher bim, more gor i ous beyond com pare # # # & beyond com pare # # # & than Ser a phim ith out cor rup # # # œ & than Ser a phim ith out? # # # œ than Ser a phim ith out cor cor rup rup tion tion tion you you you gave gave gave birth birth birth I3

6 Vesting Hierarchica Megaynarion Tone 6 Irmosi # # # & #œ œ God Word, true The o kos # # # & God Word, true? # # # God Word, & # # # e mag ni fy you # # # & e mag ni fy you? # # # e mag ni fy true you The The o kos o kos I4

7 œ_ ˆ j Vesting After bishop has competed entrance prayers venerating icons at amvon, Bishop turns besses ith Crozier his h center, South North Ton Dhespotin & b œ «œ«ˆ œˆ œ Tone 7 Buharski Ton dhes po tin kai arkh i e re a i b œ ««& ˆ ˆ,n des Äpo, Äthn kai avrc Äi Äe re, ÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒ Äa i` Äm/nà œ œ œ? b Ton dhes po tin kai As Prodeacon begins prayer for Sticharion ( Your sou sha rejoice ), peope sing: arkh i & b Kyr i e, fy a te Eis po e a re e ti, a dhes b œ & Ku,r ÒÒ Äi Äe fu, Äa ÄteÅ eivj? b Kyr i e, fy a te Eis po po Äa a e; e Äthà ti, de,s dhes & b «««««œ œ«ˆ œˆ œˆ ˆ œˆ J œ eis po a e ti, dhes pota, eis po a e ti, dhes po ta & b œ œ œ eivj po Äa e; Äthà de,s Ä po Ätaà eivj po Äa e; Ä thã de,s Äpo Äta? b J œ eis po a e ti, dhes pota, eis po a e i po Äpo po mon, mon, ta, Ätaà ta, ti, dhes po ta I5

8 ˆ œˆ œˆ ˆ Hierarchica Vesting Vesting Tone 7 "We Are No Longer Hed Back" # «««& Œ œ Ĵ«j j œ J ˆœ«œˆ œˆ ˆœ ««ˆœ œ Your sou sha re joice in Lord for He has cod you # & Œ œ J œ J œ Your sou sha re joice in Lord for He has cod? # Œ œ J œ J œ Your sou sha re joice in Lord for He has cod & # ««ˆœ Ĵ«j#œ j J ««««œ œˆ œ ˆœ œˆ ˆœ œ ith gar ment sava tion; He has cov ered you ith robe gad ness; # œ & J J ith gar ment sava tion; He has cov ered you ith robe you you gad ness; ith He has cov ered you ith robe gar ment sava tion;? # œ œ J J gad ness; & # œ Ĵ«j jj «œ ˆœ ««œˆ #œˆ «œ œˆ ««œ œˆ as a bride a dorns her sef ith jees, so He has # œ J J œ & as a bride a dorns her sef ith jees,? # œ J J œ œ œ as a bride a dorns her # «««& ˆœ œ j œ J œˆ «œˆ «œˆ «ˆœ ««««ˆœ œˆ ˆœ ˆœ a dorned you # œ & a dorned you? # œ œ J # sef ith a dorned you so He has jees, so He has I6

9 ˆ œˆ œˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ Aternate ith: Vesting # & Œ jj Ĵ«j «««œˆ œˆ j œ J you The pro phets pro caimed from on high, O Vir gin: # & Œ œ J J J œ The pro phets pro caimed you? # Œ œ J J J œ The pro phets pro caimed you & # «œ«ˆœ «Ĵ«j jj #œ j J œ«ˆ ˆœ œ jj jar staff tab ets a can de stick tabe # œ J & J œ J œ œ J jar staff tab ets a from from on on Ark, Ark, high, high, can O O Vir Vir de stick gin: gin: tabe? # œ J J œ J œ œ œ J jar staff tab ets a Ark, can de stick tabe & # ««««ˆœ ˆœ œ Ĵ«j œ œˆ œ mount un cov en, god en cen ser, tabernace, gate # œ J & œ mount un cov en, god en cen ser, tabernace,? # œ J œ mount un cov en, god en cen ser, tabernace, im # ««& œ «««œˆ #œ «ˆ œˆ œˆ œ ««««««««««œ œˆ œ«ˆ œˆ œ «œˆ ˆœ œˆ œˆ ˆœ œˆ ˆœ im pass i be, pa ace ad der throne kings # œ & im pass i be, pa ace ad der throne kings? # œ œ œ œ œ # pass i be, pa ace ad der throne kings gate gate I7

10 œ_ ˆ j Vesting When Peope finish singing: Deacon1: Let us pray Lord Prodeacon: May your ight so shine before men that y may see your good orks gorify our Far Who is in heaven, aays, no ever, un ages ages Ton Dhespotin & b œ «œ«ˆ œˆ œ Tone 7 Buharski Ton dhes po tin kai arkh i e re a i b œ ««& ˆ ˆ,n des Äpo, Äthn kai avrc Äi Äe re, ÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒ Äa i` Äm/nà œ œ œ? b Ton dhes po tin If third sixth hours are sung, y are done here The vesting ritua concudes ith ashing bishop s hs kai arkh i & b Kyr i e, fy a te Eis po e a re e ti, a dhes b œ & Ku,r ÒÒ Äi Äe fu, Äa ÄteÅ eivj? b Kyr i e, fy a te Eis po po Äa a e; e Äthà ti, de,s dhes & b «««««œ œ«ˆ œˆ œˆ ˆ œˆ J œ eis po a e ti, dhes pota, eis po a e ti, dhes po ta & b œ œ œ eivj po Äa e; Äthà de,s Ä po Ätaà eivj po Äa e; Ä thã de,s Äpo Äta? b J œ eis po a e ti, dhes pota, eis po a e i po Äpo po mon, mon, ta, Ätaà ta, ti, dhes po ta I8

11 j Litany Peace After Kairon is competed: Prodeacon: It is time for Lord act Let us begin service Lord Bess, Master Bishop: Bessed is our God, aays, no ever un ages ages Prodeacon: Amen Pray for me, Master Bishop: May Lord direct your steps Prodeacon: Remember me, hoy Master Bishop: May Lord God remember you in His kingdom aays, no ever un ages ages Prodeacon: Amen O Lord, open my ips, my mouth sha sho forth Your praise Arise Bess, Master Senior Priest: Bessed is Kingdom Far, Son, Hoy Spirit, no ever un ages ages & b œ Ĵ«j A men b & A men? b œ J A men LITANY OF PEACE Deacon: In peace et us pray Lord & b Lord, have mer cy & b œ Lord, have mer cy? b œ Lord, have mer cy Deacon: For peace from above for savation our sous, et us pray Lord & b J Lord, have mer cy b œ & Lord, have mer cy? b Lord, have mer cy Deacon: For peace hoe ord, for efare hoy churches God, for union a, et us pray Lord II1

12 j & b Lord, have mer cy & b œ Lord, have mer cy? b œ Lord, have mer cy Litany Peace Deacon: For this hoy house for those ho enter ith faith, reverence, fear God, et us pray Lord & b J Lord, have mer cy b œ & Lord, have mer cy? b Lord, have mer cy Deacon: For Our Patriarch,, his Beatitude Metropoitan, for our Godoving Bishop, for honorabe priesthood, diaconate in Christ, for a cergy peope, et us pray Lord & b Lord, have mer cy & b œ Lord, have mer cy? b œ Lord, have mer cy II2

13 j j Litany Peace Deacon: For President a civi authorities this country, for those serving in its Armed Forces, et us pray Lord & b J Lord, have mer cy b œ & Lord, have mer cy? b Lord, have mer cy Deacon: For this city, for every city country for faithfu deing in m, et us pray Lord & b Lord, have mer cy & b œ Lord, have mer cy? b œ Lord, have mer cy Deacon: For seasonabe ear, for abundance fruits earth, for peacefu times, et us pray Lord & b J Lord, have mer cy b œ & Lord, have mer cy? b Lord, have mer cy II3

14 j Litany Peace Deacon: For traveers by, by sea, by air; for sick suffering; for captives ir savation, et us pray Lord & b Lord, have mer cy & b œ Lord, have mer cy? b œ Lord, have mer cy Deacon: For our deiverance from a affiction, rath, danger distress, et us pray Lord & b J Lord, have mer cy b œ & Lord, have mer cy? b Lord, have mer Deacon: Hep us, save us, have mercy on us, keep us, O God, by Your grace cy & b Lord, have mer cy & b œ Lord, have mer cy? b œ Lord, have mer cy II4

15 Litany Peace Deacon: Commemorating our most hoy, most pure, most bessed gorious Lady Theokos evervirgin Mary, ith a saints, et us commend ourseves each or, a our ife un Christ our God & b Ĵ«j To You, O Lord b œ & To You, O Lord? b J œ To You, O Lord Priest: O Lord our God, Your poer is incomparabe Your gory is incomprehensibe Your mercy is immeasurabe Your ove for mankind is inexpressibe Look don on us on this hoy house ith compassion, O Master, impart riches Your mercy Your compassion us those ho pray ith us, for un You are due a gory, honor, orship: Far, Son, Hoy Spirit, no ever un ages ages & b œ A men & b œ A men? b œ A men II5


17 _ _ _ œ_ œ_ œ œ _ œ_ œ_ _ œ_ _ _ œ_ œ_ & b _ Bess Lord, O my sou; a that is ithin me bess His ho y name! b & œ Bess Lord, O my sou; a that is ithin me bess His ho y name!? b Bess Lord, O my sou; a that is ithin me bess His ho y name! Refrain: & b ẇ «_ Bess Lord, O my sou & b œ Bess Lord, O my sou? b Bess Lord, & b _ Bess Lord, O my sou, forget not a His be ne fits; & b œ Bess Lord, O my sou, forget not a His be ne fits;? b œ Bess Lord, O my sou, O forget not my a sou His be ne fits; & b œ He for gives a your in i qui ty; He heas a your di sea ses b & œ œ He for gives a your in i qui ty; He heas a your di sea ses? b He for gives a your in i qui Typica Psam 1 FIRST ANTIPHON PSALM 102(103) ty; He heas a your di sea ses III1

18 œ_ _ œ_ œ_ œ_ œ_ œ œ œ_ _ œ_ œ_ œ_ _ œ_ _ _ _ & b œ The Lord is mer ci fu grac ious, so anger abounding in stead fast ove` b & œ œ The Lord is mer ci fu grac ious, so anger abounding in stead fast ove`? b œ The Lord is mer ci fu grac ious, so anger abounding in stead fast & b _ Bess Lord, O my sou; Bes sed are You, O Lord & b œ Bess Lord, O my sou; Bes sed are You, O Lord? b Bess Lord, O my sou; Bes sed are You, O Lord & b œ_ Go ry Far, Son, Ho y Spi rit, & b œ Go ry Far, Son, Ho y Spi rit,? b Go ry Far, Son, & b œ _ no ever un ages a ges A men b œ & no ever un ages a ges A men? b no ever un ages a Typica Psam 1 ges A men Ho y Spi ove` rit, III2

19 j Litany LITTLE LITANY Deacon: Again again, in peace et us pray Lord & b Lord, have mer cy & b œ Lord, have mer cy? b œ Lord, have mer cy Deacon: Hep us, save us, have mercy on us, keep us, O God, by your grace & b J Lord, have mer cy b œ & Lord, have mer cy? b Lord, have mer cy Deacon: Commemorating our most hoy, most pure, most bessed gorious Lady Theokos evervirgin Mary, ith a saints, et us commend ourseves each or, a our ife un Christ our God & b Ĵ«j To You, O Lord b œ & To You, O Lord? b J œ To You, O Lord Priest: O Lord our God, save Your peope bess Your inheritance Preserve funess Your Church Sanctify those ho ove beauty Your house; gorify m in turn by Your divine poer, do not forsake us ho put our hope in You, for Yours is majesty, Yours is Kingdom poer gory: Far, Son, Hoy Spirit, no ever, un ages ages IV1

20 & b œ A men & b œ A men? b œ A men Litany IV2

21 _ _ œ_ œ_ œ_ œ_ _ _ œ_ _ Typica Psam 2 SECOND ANTIPHON PSALM 145(146) & b Praise Lord, O my sou I i praise Lord as ong as I ive; & b œ Praise Lord, O my sou I i praise Lord as ong as I ive;? b Praise Lord, O my sou I i praise Lord as ong as I & b _ I i sing praises my God hie I have be ing & b œ I i sing praises my God hie I have be ing? b I i sing praises my God hie I have be ing Refrain: & b ẇ «_ Praise Lord, O my sou & b œ Praise Lord, O my sou? b Praise Lord, & b œ Put not your trust in prin ces In sons men in hom re is no sa va tion & b œ Put not your trust in prin ces In sons men in hom re is no sa va tion? b œ Put not your trust in prin ces O my In sons men in hom re sou is no sa va tion ive; V1

22 œ_ œ_ œ_ re turns œ_ œ_ _ _ Typica Psam 2 & b _ œ_ his? b œ When his breath departs he When breath departs he re turns his earth; on that very day his pans per ish b & œ When his breath departs he re turns his earth; on that very day his pans per ish his earth; on that very day his pans per & b _ œ_ Lord The i reign for ev er; Your God, O Zion, a gen er a tions & b œ The Lord i reign for ev er; Your God, O Zion, a gen er a tions? b œ The Lord i reign for ev er; Your God, O Zion, a ish gen er a tions V2

23 œ_ jœ_ œ_ _ œ_ œ_ Who for our sava tion ied be in car nate ho y & b œ œ œ J J J J J œ J œ Who for our sava tion ied be in car nate ho y? b œ œ J J J J J œ J œ œ_ _ œ_ œ_ œ_ œ_ _ œ_ œ_ œ_ œ_ _ _ œ_ _ œ_ œ_ HYMN TO THE ONLYBEGOTTEN SON OnyBegotten Son & b 2 4 œ_ j J œ_ œ_j _ Ĵ«j Ĵ«j Go ry Fa r, & b 2 4 œ J œ J œ J J Go ry Fa r, Son, Son,? b 2 4 œ J œ J œ J J Go ry Fa r, & b œ Ĵ«j Ĵ«j œ_ Ĵ«j j œ_j œ_ Ĵ«j Ĵ«j Ho y Spi Spi Spi rit, rit, no e ver un b œ & J J œ J J œ J J Ho y no no e ver e ver un? b œ J J œ J J œ J J Ho y rit, un a ges a ges A & b _ Ĵ«j Ĵ«j j œ_ men On y be got ten Son im mor ta Word God, b & J J J œ men On y be got ten Son im mor ta Word God, J J? b men On y be got ten Son & b œ_ «ˆ œ Ĵ«j Ĵ«j Ĵ«j Ĵ«j «Ĵ«j œ_ ˆ Ĵ«j Who for our sava tion ied be in car im mor nate ta a a Son, ges ges Word a a ges ges God, A A ho y VI1

24 _ _ ˆ œ_ œ_ _ ˆ œ_ œ_ œ_ _ _ œ_ œ_ crucified _ œ_ œ_ _ œ_ OnyBegotten Son The o kos ever vir gin Ma & b œ J œ œ œ œ œ œ œ J J J J œ The o kos ever vir gin Ma? b œ J œ œ œ J J J J & b œ Ĵ«j «ˆ «««ˆœ_ ˆ «ˆ «ˆ œ_ Ĵ«j œ_j j Ĵ«j œ_j j The o kos ever vir gin Ma ith out change You You be be came man ere J J? b œ œ J J ith out change came man ere & b œ j ««ˆ «««ˆ ˆ Ĵ«j Ĵ«j œ œ_ ˆ Ĵ«j œ_j j ith out change You be came man ere crucified O Christ our b œ J œ œ œ œ J J œ & œ J J crucified & b Ĵ«j œ_ Ĵ«j jj j œ_j œ_ Ĵ«j Ĵ«j Ĵ«j j œ_j God, tram ping don death by death, You are one Ho y Tri ni b & J œ J J J œ J J J J God tram ping don death by death, You are one Ho y Tri ni? b J œ J J J œ J J J J God tram ping don death by death, You are one O O Ho y ry, ry, ry, Christ Christ our our Tri ni & b jj œ J «««j ˆ ˆ ˆ Ĵ«j ty, go ri fied ith Fa r Ho y & b J œ J œ œ œ J ty, go ri fied ith Fa r Ho y? b J œ J œ œ J ty, go ri fied ith Fa r Ho y VI2

25 j ˆ _ _ LITTLE LITANY Deacon: Again again, in peace et us pray Lord OnyBegotten Son & b ««««_ ˆ ˆ ˆ œ ˆ ««ˆ j Spi rit save us & b œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ J Spi rit save us œ œ? b Spi & b Lord, have mer cy & b œ Lord, have mer cy? b œ Lord, have mer cy Deacon: Hep us, save us, have mercy on us, keep us, O God, by your grace & b J Lord, have mer cy b œ & rit Lord, have mer cy? b Lord, have mer cy Deacon: Commemorating our most hoy, most pure, most bessed gorious Lady Theokos evervirgin Mary, ith a saints, et us commend ourseves each or, a our ife un Christ our God save us VI3

26 & b Ĵ«j To You, O Lord b œ & To You, O Lord? b J œ To You OnyBegotten Son Priest: You, O Lord, have given us grace make our common suppications You ith one accord, have promised that hen to or three are gared ger in Your name, You oud grant ir requests Fufi no, O Lord, petitions Your servants as may be best for m Grant us in this ord knoedge Your truth, in ord come, ife eterna, for You are a good God You ove mankind, You e ascribe gory: Far, Son, Hoy Spirit, no ever un ages ages & b œ A men & b œ A men? b œ A men, O Lord VI4

27 œ_ œ_ œ_ _ _ _ œ_ œ_ œ_ _ œ_ THIRD ANTIPHON Refrain: & b Repeat first time _ œ_ Re mem ber us, O Lord in Your King dom & b œ œ Re mem ber us, O Lord in Your King dom? b Re mem ber us, O Lord in Your King & b _ œ_ Bes œ_ sed œ_ are poor in Spi rit, for irs is King dom Hea ven & b œ Bes sed are poor in Spi rit, for irs is King dom Hea ven? b Bes sed are poor in Spi rit, for irs is King dom & b œ_ œ_ œ Bes sed are those ho mourn, for y sha be com for ted & b œ œ Bes sed are those ho mourn, for y sha be com for ted? b Bes sed are those ho mourn, for y sha be com dom Hea ven for ted & b œ œ Bes sed are meek, for y sha in her it earth & b œ œ Bes sed are meek, for y sha in her in her? b Bes sed are meek, Beatitudes for y sha it it BEATITUDES earth earth VII1

28 œ_ œ_ œ_ œ_ œ_ œ_ œ_ œ_ œ_ œ_ œ_ _ _ _ œ_ & b _ œ_ œ_ œ_ Be sed are those ho hunger thrist after right eous ness, for y sha be fied & b œ Be sed are those ho hunger thrist after right eous ness, for y for y sha be fied sha be fied? b Be sed are those ho hunger thrist after right eous ness, & b _ œ_ Bes œ_ sed are mer ci fu, for y sha ob tain mer cy b & œ Bes sed are mer ci fu, for y sha ob tain mer cy? b œ Bes sed are mer ci fu, for y sha ob tain & b _ œ_ Bes œ_ are sed pure in heart, for God & b œ Bes sed are pure in heart, for y sha see God? b Bes sed are pure in heart, & b _ Be sed are peace ma kers, for y sha be caed sons God & b œ Be sed are peace ma kers, for for y sha? b Be sed are peace ma kers, for y sha be be _ y y caed caed œ_ sha sha sons sons mer œ_ see see cy God God God VII2

29 œ_ œ_ Bessed are those ho are persecuted for righteousness sake, œ_ œ_ œ_ _ œ_ œ_ œ_ œ_ _ _ & b _? b Bessed are those ho are persecuted for righteousness sake, forirs is King dom Hea ven & b œ œ_ Bessed are those ho are persecuted for righteousness sake, forirs is King dom Hea ven forirs is King dom Hea ven & b œ_ œ_ Bes sed are you hen men sha revie you per se cute you & b œ Bes sed are you hen men sha revie you per se cute you? b œ Bes sed are you hen men sha revie you per & b _ sha say a manner evi a gainst you fase y for my sake & b œ œ sha say a manner evi a gainst you fase y for my sake for my sake? b œ sha say a manner evi a gainst you & b œ re joice be ex ceed ing y gad for great is your reard in Hea ven & b œ œ re joice be ex ceed ing y gad for great is your reard in Hea ven? b re joice be ex ceed ing y gad Beatitudes fase y for great is your reard se in cute Hea you ven VII3


31 Litte Entrance LITTLE ENTRANCE Deacon: (quiety) Let us pray Lord, Lord, have mercy Priest: O Master Lord, our God, You have appointed in heaven orders hosts anges archanges serve before Your gory: grant that ith our entrance re may be an entrance hoy anges, serving ith us gorifying Your goodness, for You beong a gory, honor orship: Far, Son Hoy Spirit, no ever un ages ages Deacon: Amen Bess, Master, hoy entrance Priest: Bessed is entrance in Your hoy pace aays, no ever un ages ages Amen Deacon: Wisdom! Let us attend! & b Come, et us or ship, fa don be fore Christ, b œ & Come, et us or ship, fa fa don don be be fore fore Christ,? b œ Come, et us or ship, Christ, & b œ O Son God ho rose from dead, Save us ho sing You, a e u ia & b œ # O Son God ho rose from dead, Save us ho sing You, a e u ia? b O Son God ho rose from dead, Save us ho sing You, a e u ia VIII1


33 Troparion Kontakion TROPARION AND KONTAKION IX1


35 Trisagion Priest: O Hoy God, You rest in hoy pace You are hymned by Seraphim ith thricehoy cry, gorified by Cherubim, orshipped by every heaveny poer Out nothing You brought a things in being You have created man after Your on image ikeness, have adorned him ith Your every gift You give isdom understing everyone ho asks You do not despise sinner, but instead have appointed repentance un savation You have graciousy granted us, Your humbe unorthy servants, even in this hour st before gory Your Hoy Atar, fer orship praise hich are Your due Master, accept aso from mouths us sinners thricehoy hymn, atch over us in Your goodness Forgive us every transgression, both vountary invountary Sanctify our sous bodies, enabe us serve You in hoiness a days our ife, through intercessions hoy Theokos a saints ho, from beginning ord, have peased You Deacon: Bess, Master, time Thricehoy Priest: For You are hoy, O our God, You e ascribe gory: Far, Son Hoy Spirit, no ever Deacon: un ages ages & b œ A men & b œ A men? b œ A men TRISAGION & b «ˆ «œ ˆœ Fine { Ho y God! Ho y Migh ty! Ho y Immor ta! Have mer cy on us & b œ { Ho y God! Ho y Migh ty! Ho y Im mor ta! Have mer cy on us? b œ œ { Ho y God! Ho y Migh ty! Ho y Im mor ta! Have mer cy on us thrice & b œ Go ry Fa r Son Ho y b œ & Go ry Fa r Son Ho y? b Go ry Fa r Son Ho y Spi Spi Spi rit, rit, rit, X1

36 Trisagion & b no e ver un a ges a ges A men & b œ no e ver un a ges ver un a ges a ges ges A men? b œ no e a A men & b j J j œ J DC a Fine Ho y Im mor ta! Have mer cy on us & b œ œ œ Ho y Im mor ta! Have mer cy on us? b œ œ œ Ho y Im mor ta! Have mer cy on us X2

37 Episte EPISTLE READING Prodeacon: Let us attend! Bishop: Peace be un a! Deacon: And your spirit Prodeacon: Wisdom! Let us attend! Deacon: The Prokeimone in ne: See appropriate prokeimenon Prodeacon: Wisdom! Deacon: The reading from (first, second) Episte hoy Aposte Pau Acts hoy Apostes] (first, second, third) cathoic Episte Saint Prodeacon: Let us attend! The Episte is chanted Bishop: Peace you ho read Deacon: And your spirit, Aeuia, Aeuia, Aeuia Bishop: Wisdom! Deacon:The Aeuia in ne: Aeuia, Aeuia, Aeuia XI1


39 j Gospe GOSPEL READING Bishop: Iumine our hearts, O Master, Lover mankind, ith pure ight Your divine knoedge Open eyes our mind understing Your gospe teachings Insti aso in us fear Your bessed commments that, tramping a carna desires, e may enter upon a spiritua manner iving, both thinking doing such things that are epeasing You for You are iumination our sous bodies, O Christ our God, You e ascribe gory, ger ith Your Far, Who is ithout beginning, Your ahoy, good, ifecreating Spirit, no ever un ages ages Amen Prodeacon: Bess, Master, him ho procaims gad tidings hoy Aposte Evangeist Bishop: May God, through prayers hoy, gorious, aaudabe Aposte Evangeist, enabe you procaim gad tidings ith great poer, fufiment gospe His beoved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ Prodeacon: Amen Deacon: Wisdom! Let us attend! Let us isten Hoy Gospe Bishopt: Peace be un a & b J œ And your Spir it & b œ And your Spi rit? b œ J œ And Prodeacon: your Spir it The reading from Hoy Gospe according Saint & b Ĵ«j Ĵ«j Go ry You, O Lord, Gor y You b J & Go ry You, O Lord, Gor y You J? b J œ Go ry You, O Lord, Gor Deacon: Let us attend! The appointed gospe esson is chanted by deacon Upon its competion, priest besses deacon: Priest: Peace be you ho have procaimed gospe y You XII1

40 Gospe & b Ĵ«j Ĵ«j Go ry You, O Lord, Gor y You b J & Go ry You, O Lord, Gor y You J? b J œ Go ry You, O Lord, Gor y You XII2

41 œ_ j Litany Fervent Suppication LITANY OF FERVENT SUPPLICATION Deacon: Let us say ith a our sou ith a our mind, et us say: & b Lord, have mer cy & b œ Lord, have mer cy? b œ Lord, have mer cy Deacon: O Lord amighty, God our fars, e impore You, hear us have mercy & b J Lord, have mer cy b œ & Lord, have mer cy? b Lord, have mer cy Deacon: Have mercy on us, O God according Your great goodness, e impore You, hear us have mercy & b jœ_j Ĵ«j œ Lord have mer cy Lord have mer cy Lord have mer cy & b œ J J Lord have mer cy Lord have mer cy Lord have mer cy? b œ J J Lord have mer cy Lord have mer cy Deacon: Again e pray for Patriarch, for Metropoitan, for our Godoving Bishop, for Priests, Deacons, a or cergy, for a our brethren in Christ Lord have mer cy XIII1

42 Litany Fervent Suppication & b œ Ĵ«j œ Ĵ«j œ Ĵ«j Lord have mer cy Lord have mer cy Lord have mer cy & b œ J œ J œ Lord have mer cy Lord have mer cy Lord have mer cy J œ J œ? b J Lord have mer cy Lord have mer cy Deacon: Again e pray for President a civi authorities this country for those serving in its Armed Forces & b œ Ĵ«j œ Ĵ«j Lord have mer cy Lord have mer cy Lord have mer cy & b œ J œ J œ Lord have mer cy Lord have mer cy Lord have mer cy? b œ J œ J œ Lord have mer cy Lord have mer cy Deacon: Again e pray for bessed evermemorabe hoy Orthodox Patriarchs; for bessed evermemorabe founders this hoy house; for a our fars brethren, Orthodox departed this ife before us, especiay a those ho here in a ord ie aseep in Lord Deacon: Again e pray for mercy, ife, peace, heath, savation, visitation for servants God, especiay, for pardon remission ir sins Lord Lord have have mer mer & b ««Ĵ«j ««œˆ ˆœ œˆ ˆœ œ Ĵ«««««j œˆ œˆ ˆœ ˆœ Ĵ«j «œ œˆ Lord, have mer cy Lord have mer cy Lord, have mer cy, have mer cy & b œ œ œ Lord, have mer cy Lord, have mer cy Lord, have mer cy, have mer cy? b J œ œ œ œ J œ œ Lord, have mer cy Lord, have mer cy Lord, have mer cy, have mer cy cy cy XIII2

43 Litany Fervent Suppication & b œ_ ˆ_«Ĵ«j n _ Lord have mer cy Lord have mer cy Lord have mer cy b & ˆ_«j n n Lord have mer cy Lord have mer cy Lord have mer cy? b œ J œ Lord have mer cy Lord have mer Deacon: Again e pray for those ho bring ferings do good orks in this hoy avenerabe house; for those ho abor those ho sing; for a peope here present, ho aait Your great rich mercy Priest: O Lord our God, accept this fervent suppication Your servants, have mercy on us according mutitude Your mercy Send don your bounties upon us, upon a Your peope ho aait rich mercy that comes from you, for You are a mercifu God, You ove mankind, You e ascribe gory: Far, Son, Hoy Spirit, no ever un ages ages & b œ A men & b œ A men? b œ A men cy Lord have mer & b jœ J Ĵ«j Lord have mer cy Lord have mer cy Lord, have mer cy b & j J Lord have mer cy Lord have mer cy Lord, have mer cy? b J J Lord have mer cy Lord have mer cy Lord, have mer cy cy XIII3


45 LITANY FOR THE DEPARTED 1 Litany for Departed Deacon: Have mercy on us, O God, according Your great goodness, e impore You, hear us have mercy & b jj Lord, have mer cy b & Lord, have mer cy? b J Lord, have mer cy Deacon: Again e pray for repose sou(s) servant(s) God, departed this ife; that (he, she, y) may be pardoned a (his, her, ir) sin, both vountary invountary & b Lord, have mer cy & b œ Lord, have mer cy? b œ Lord have mer cy Deacon: That Lord God i estabish (his, her, ir) sou(s) here Just repose & b ««œ ˆœ œˆ jj Lord, have mer cy Lord, have mer cy Lord have mer cy & b œ Lord, have mer cy Lord, have mer cy Lord, have mer cy? b œ Lord, have mer cy Lord, have mer cy Deacon: For mercies God, kingdom heaven, remission (his, her, ir) sins, et us ask Christ, immorta King God Lord have mer cy 1 NOTE: The Litany for Departed is not said on Sundays or if re is a Sung Doxoogy, Poyeeos, or ANight Vigi It is not said during Forefeasts Afterfeasts, or during period from Great Monday through Thomas Sunday, from Feast Nativity our Lord unti Apodosis Theophany Hoever, if fortieth day an Orthodox Christian s repose fas on one se days, it is permitted chant Litany for Departed for m XIV1

46 Deacon: Let us pray Lord Litany for Departed & b Ĵ«j Grant it, O Lord & b j Grant it, O Lord? b j Grant it, O Lord & b jj Lord, have mer cy b & Lord, have mer cy? b J Lord, have mer cy Priest: O God spirits, a fesh, You have tramped death overthron devi, have given ife Your ord O Lord e impore You Yoursef give rest sou(s) Your departed servant(s), in a pace brightness, a pace refreshment, a pace repose, here a sickness, sighing, sorro have fed aay As You are a good God You ove mankind, pardon every transgression hich (he, she, y) (has have) committed, her by ord or deed or thought; because re is no man ho ives yet does not sin, for You aone are ithout sin Your righteousness is an eterna righteousness Your ord is truth For You are resurrection, ife, repose Your servant(s) ho (is, are) faen aseep, O Christ our God, You e ascribe gory, ger ith Your Far Who is ithout beginning, Your ahoy, good, ifecreating Spirit, no ever un ages ages & b œ A men & b œ A men? b œ A men XIV2

47 j LITANY FOR THE CATECHUMENS Deacon: Pray Lord, you catechumens & b Lord, have mer cy & b œ Lord, have mer cy? b œ Lord, have mer cy Litanies for Catechumens Faithfu Deacon: Let us, faithfu, pray for catechumens, that Lord may have mercy on m & b J Lord, have mer cy b œ & Lord, have mer cy? b Lord, have mer cy Deacon: That He may teach m ord truth & b Lord, have mer cy & b œ Lord, have mer cy? b œ Lord, have mer cy Deacon: That He may revea m gospe righteousness XV1

48 j j & b J Lord, have mer cy b œ & Lord, have mer cy? b Lord, have mer Litanies for Catechumens Faithfu Deacon: That He may unite m His hoy, cathoic, aposic Church & b Lord, have mer cy & b œ Lord, have mer cy? b œ Lord, have mer cy Deacon: Hep m, save m, have mercy on m, keep m, O God, by Your grace & b J Lord, have mer cy b œ & Lord, have mer cy? b Lord, have mer cy Deacon: Bo your heads un Lord, you catechumens & b Ĵ«j To You, O Lord b œ & To You, O Lord? b J œ To You, O Lord cy XV2

49 j Litanies for Catechumens Faithfu Priest: O Lord our God, You de on high regard humbe heart You have sent forth Your ony begotten Son God, our Lord Jesus Christ, be savation human race Look don upon Your servants, catechumens, ho have boed ir necks before You Find m orthy in due time ashing regeneration, remission sins, robe incorruption Unite m Your Hoy, Cathoic, Aposic Church, number m ith Your chosen fock that ith us y may gorify Your a honorabe majestic name: Far, Son, Hoy Spirit, no ever un ages ages & b œ A men & b œ A men? b œ A men Deacon: A catechumens, depart Depart, catechumens A that are catechumens, depart Let no catechumen remain Let us faithfu, again again, in peace un Lord & b Lord, have mer cy & b œ Lord, have mer cy? b œ Lord, have mer cy Deacon: Hep us, save us, have mercy upon us, keep us, O God, by Your grace & b J Lord, have mer cy b œ & Lord, have mer cy? b Lord, have mer cy Deacon: Wisdom! Priest: We thank You, O Lord God hosts, Who have accounted us orthy st even no before Your Hoy Atar, fa don before Your compassion for our sins for errors a peope Make us orthy fer you intercessions, suppications, unboody sacrifices on behaf a Your peope Enabe us aso, hom You have paced in this Your service, by poer Your Hoy spirit, bameessy ithout fense, in pure itness our conscience, ca upon You at a times in every pace; that hearing us You may be mercifu us XV3

50 j Litanies for Catechumens Faithfu according mutitude Your great goodness for un You are due a gory, honor, orship: Far, Son, Hoy Spirit, no ever un ages ages & b œ A men & b œ A men? b œ A men Deacon: Again again in peace et us pray Lord & b Lord, have mer cy & b œ Lord, have mer cy? b œ Lord, have mer cy Deacon: For peace from above for savation our sous, et us pray Lord & b J Lord, have mer cy b œ & Lord, have mer cy? b Lord, have mer cy Deacon: For peace hoe ord, for efare hoy churches God, for union a, et us pray Lord XV4

51 j j & b Lord, have mer cy & b œ Lord, have mer cy? b œ Lord, have mer cy Litanies for Catechumens Faithfu Deacon: For this hoy house for those ho enter ith faith, reverence, fear God, et us pray Lord & b J Lord, have mer cy b œ & Lord, have mer cy? b Lord, have mer Deacon: For our deiverance from a affiction, rath, danger, distress, et us pray Lord & b Lord, have mer cy & b œ Lord, have mer cy? b œ Lord, have mer cy Deacon: Hep us, save us, have mercy on us, keep us, O God, by your grace & b J Lord, have mer cy b œ & Lord, have mer cy? b Lord, have mer cy cy XV5

52 Litanies for Catechumens Faithfu Deacon: Wisdom! Priest: Again ten e fa don before You, O God, Lover mankind that, ooking don upon our petition, You oud ceanse our sous bodies from every defiement fesh spirit; oud grant us st bameess ithout condemnation before Your Hoy Atar Grant aso those ho pray ith us, O God, groth in ife faith spiritua understing Grant m aays orship You bameessy ith fear ove, partake ithout condemnation Your hoy mysteries, be accounted orthy Your heaveny kingdom that, guarded aays by Your might, e may ascribe gory You: Far, Son, Hoy Spirit, no ever un ages ages & b œ A men & b œ A men? b œ A men XV6

53 œ_ œ œ_ _ CHERUBICON Cherubicon & b 4 ˆ_«jJ Ĵ«j Let us ho mys tic y re sent Che ru bim, b 4 & ˆ_«j J Let us ho mys tic y re pre sent Che ru bim,? b 4 J J Let us ho mys tic y re pre pre sent Che & b mys tic y re pre sent b & mys tic y re pre sent Che Che? b œ œ mys tic y re pre sent & b #œ mys tic y re pre sent, Che mys tic & b mys tic y re pre sent, mys tic? b œ mys tic y re pre sent, mys tic & b œ Ĵ«j jj Ĵ«j Che ru bim, mys tic y re pre sent Che ru bim, b œ J J J & Che mys mys tic y tic y re pre sent y y y ru ru ru bim, bim, bim, re re re Che? b œ J J J Che ru bim, ru bim, re pre sent Che pre pre pre ru ru ru sent sent sent bim, bim, bim, XVI1

54 j j œ_ j _ Cherubicon & b jj œ_ ˆ_«J J ho sing thrice, ho y hymn & b j «ˆ_ j ho sing thrice, ho y hymn J J? b œ œ J ho sing thrice, & b ife cre a ting & b œ ife cre a ting ho Trin Trin? b œ ife cre a ting & b #œ sing thrice ho y Trin thrice ho & b sing thrice ho y thrice ho? b sing thrice ho y thrice ho & b œ J œ ife cre a ting Trin i ty & b œ J œ ife cre ife cre a ting ting Trin Trin? b œ J œ œ a i ty y y y y i i i i hymn ty, ty, ty, hymn hymn hymn ty XVI2

55 œ_ j j œ_ Cherubicon & b ˆ_«J Ĵ«j _ No ay a side a earth cares, b & ˆ_«j No ay a side a earth y cares, J? b œ J No ay a side a earth y cares, & b no ay a side a y earth b & no ay a side a earth? b œ no ay a side a earth y cares, & b #œ no ay a side a earth y cares, b & no ay a side? b œ no ay a side & b J œ no ay a side a earth y cares b & no ay a side a earth y cares? b J œ no ay a side a a a earth earth y y y y earth y cares cares cares, cares, cares,, XVI3


57 œ_ Great Entrance GREAT ENTRANCE Priest: May Lord God remember your diaconate in His kingdom aays, no ever un ages ages With servers, cergy proceed from Prosis Atar, bearing our ferings bread ine We pray that Lord remember a authorities Church civi government, cergy a peope, iving departed The Priest concudes: May Lord God remember you a Orthodox Christians in His Kingdom aays, no ever un ages ages & b œ A men & b œ A men? b œ A men & b 4 œ Ĵ«j ˆ_«Ĵ«j œ Ĵ«j œ_ Ĵ«j _ That re ceive, re ceive King a, & b 4 j j J e may j ˆ_«e may J e may That re ceive, re ceive King? b 4 J œ J œ J That re ceive, re ceive King a, & b ho comes in vi sib y & b ho comes in vi sib y? b œ ho comes in vi sib y up up up borne borne borne a, XVII1

58 Great Entrance & b #œ by an ge ic, an ge ic hosts b & by an ge ic,? b œ by an ge ic, & b jj jj A e u ia! A e u ia! A e u ia! b œ J J & A e u ia! A e u ia! A e u ia!? b œ J J A e u ia! A e u ia! an an ge ge A ic ic e u hosts hosts ia! XVII2

59 j Litany Suppication LITANY OF SUPPLICATION Deacon: Let us compete our prayer un Lord & b Lord, have mer cy & b œ Lord, have mer cy? b œ Lord, have mer cy Deacon: For precious Gifts no fered, et us pray Lord & b J Lord, have mer cy b œ & Lord, have mer cy? b Lord, have mer cy Deacon: For this hoy house for those ho enter ith faith, reverence, fear God, et us pray Lord & b Lord, have mer cy & b œ Lord, have mer cy? b œ Lord, have mer cy Deacon: For our deiverance from a affiction, rath, danger distress, et us pray Lord XVIII1

60 j & b J Lord, have mer cy b œ & Lord, have mer cy? b Lord, have mer Litany Suppication Deacon: Hep us, save us, have mercy on us, keep us, O God, by your grace cy & b Lord, have mer cy & b œ Lord, have mer cy? b œ Lord, have mer cy Deacon: That hoe day may be perfect, hoy, peacefu, siness, et us ask Lord & b Ĵ«j Grant it, O Lord & b Grant it, O Lord? b J œ Grant it, Deacon: An ange peace, a faithfu guide, a guardian our sous bodies, et us ask Lord & b Grant it, O Lord & b Grant it, O Lord? b Grant it, O O Lord Lord XVIII2

61 Litany Suppication Deacon: Pardon remission our sins transgressions, et us ask Lord & b Ĵ«j Grant it, O Lord & b Grant it, O Lord? b J œ Grant it, Deacon: A things that are good pritabe for our sous peace for ord, et us ask Lord & b Grant it, O Lord & b Grant it, O Lord? b Grant it, O Lord Deacon: That e may compete remaining time our ife in peace repentance, et us ask Lord & b Ĵ«j Grant it, O Lord & b Grant it, O Lord? b J œ Grant it, O O Lord Lord Deacon: A Christian ending our ife; painess, bameess, peacefu; a good defense before dread judgment seat Christ, et us ask Lord XVIII3

62 & b Grant it, O Lord & b Grant it, O Lord? b Grant it, O Lord Litany Suppication Deacon: Commemorating our most hoy, most pure, most bessed gorious Lady Theokos everyvirgin Mary, ith a saints, et us commend ourseves each or, a our ife un Christ our God & b Ĵ«j To You, O Lord b œ & To You, O Lord? b J œ To You, O Lord Priest: O Lord God amighty, Who aone are hoy, You accept sacrifice praise from those ho ca upon You ith ir hoe heart Accept aso prayer us sinners, ead us Your Hoy Atar Enabe us fer you gifts spiritua sacrifices for our sins for errors peope Account us orthy find grace in Your sight, that our sacrifice may be acceptabe You, that through compassions Your onybegotten Son, ith hom You are bessed, ger ith Your ahoy, good, ifecreating Spirit, no ever un ages ages & b œ A men & b œ A men? b œ A men XVIII4

63 œ_ œ_ j Litany Suppication THE PEACE Priest: Peace be un a & b J œ And your Spir it & b œ And your Spi rit? b œ J œ And your Spir it Deacon: Let us ove one anor that ith one mind e may confess & b jj Fa r, Son Ho y Spir it! The Trin i ty, & b œ Fa r, Son Ho y Spir it! The Trin i ty, J? b Fa r, Son Ho y Spir rit! The Trin & b one in es sence un di vid ed! b œ & one in es sence un di vid ed!? b œ one in es sence un di vid ed! i ty, XVIII5


65 œ_ œ_ THE SYMBOL OF FAITH Symbo Faith Deacon: The doors! The doors! In isdom, et us attend! & b I be ieve in one God, Fa r a XIX1 migh ty, Ma ker Hea & b œ I be ieve in one God, Fa r a migh ty, Hea Hea? b I be ieve in one God, Fa r a migh ty, Ma ker Ma ker & b œ ven earth, a things vis i be & b œ ven earth, a things vis i be in vis i be? b ven earth, a things vis i be in in vis vis & b œ # _ #œ And in one Lord Je sus Christ, Son God, on y i i be be be got ten, b & œ œ And in one Lord Je sus Christ, Son God, on y be got ten,? b œ #œ And in one Lord Je sus Christ, Son God, on y be got ten, & b # be got ten Fa r be fore a & b be got ten Fa r be fore a a a? b be got ten Fa r be fore a a ges ges ges

66 œ_ œ_ Symbo Faith & b Light Light; true God true God; be got ten not made, one es sence & b œ Light Light; true God true God; be got ten not made, one es sence? b Light Light; true God true God; be got ten not made, one es sence & b ith Fa r, by hom a things ere made; ho for us men for our b œ & ith Fa r, by hom a things ere made; ho for us men for our? b ith Fa r, by hom a things ere made; ho for us men for our & b #_ #œ _ sa va tion came don from hea ven, as in car nate b & sa va tion came don from hea ven, as in car nate? b #œ sa va tion came don from hea ven, as in car nate & b # Ho y Spi rit Vir gin Ma ry be came & b Ho y Spi rit Vir gin Ma ry be came man? b Ho y Spi rit Vir gin Ma ry be came man man XIX2

67 Symbo Faith & b And He as cru ci fied for us un der Pon tius Pi ate, suf & b œ And He as cru ci fied for us un der Pon tius Pi ate, suf? b And He as cru ci fied for us un der Pon tius Pi ate, suf & b as bu ried fered, fered, fered, And third day He rose a gain ac cor ding & b œ as bu ried And third day He rose a gain ac cor ding? b as bu ried And third day He rose a gain ac cor ding & b œ Scrip tures, a scen ded in hea ven sits at & b œ Scrip tures, a scen ded in hea ven sits at? b Scrip tures, a scen ded in hea ven sits at & b # _ #œ _ right h Fa r; He sha come a gain in go ry & b right h Fa r; He sha come a gain in go ry? b #œ right h Fa r, He sha come a gain in go ry XIX3

68 ˆ œ_ _ œ_ œ_ œ_ Symbo Faith & b # # œ_ judge i ving dead; hose King dom sha have no end b & judge i ving dead; hose King dom sha have no end? b judge i ving dead; hose King dom sha & b œ And in Ho y Spi rit, Lord, have Gi & b œ And in Ho y Spi rit, Lord, Gi? b And in Ho y Spi rit, Lord, Gi & b ho pro ceeds from Fa r, no ver ver ver end ife, ife, ife, ho ith Far Son ger is orshipped b & ho pro ceeds from Fa r, ho ith Far Son ger is orshipped? b ho pro ceeds from Fa r, ho ith Far Son ger is orshipped & b œ gor i fied; ho spoke by proph ets, & b œ gor i fied; ho spoke by proph ets,? b gor i fied; ho spoke by proph ets, XIX4

69 œ_ œ_ Symbo Faith & b #_ in one ho y, cath ic a po s ic Church b & œ in one ho y, cath ic a po s ic Church? b œ #œ in one ho y, cath ic a po s ic Church & b #œ # I ack no edge on bap tism for re mis sion sins & b œ I ack no edge on bap tism for re mis sion sins? b I ack no edge on bap tism for & b œ I ook for re sur rec tion dead, ife ord come Amen & b œ I ook for re sur rec tion dead, ife ord come Amen? b I ook for re sur rec tion dead, re ife mis sion ord sins come Amen XIX5


71 j j Anaphora ANAPHORA Deacon: Let us st aright! Let us st ith fear! Let us attend, that e may fer Hoy Obation in peace & b Ĵ«j A mer cy peace! A sa cri fice praise b œ J & A mer cy peace! A sa cri fice praise? b J A mer cy Bishop: Grace our Lord Jesus Christ, ove God Far, communion Hoy Spirit be ith a you Bishop: Let us ift up our hearts Bishop: Let us give thanks Lord peace! & b œ J And ith your Spir it b œ & And ith your Spir it? b J œ And ith your Spir & b œ J œ We ift m up un Lord b œ J œ & We ift m up un Lord? b J œ We ift m up un it Lord A sa cri fice praise XX1

72 œ_ œ_ j j Anaphora & b Ĵ«j Ĵ«j It is is fit ting right b & œ œ J It fit ting right or ship Fa r Son? b J œ J It is fit ting right & b œ Ĵ«j jj J œ Ho y Spir it Bishop: It is fitting right sing You, bess You, praise You, give thanks You, orship You in every pace Your dominion: for You are God ineffabe, inconceivabe, invisibe, incomprehensibe, everexisting eternay same: You Your Onybegotten Son Your Hoy Spirit It as You Who brought us from nonexistence in being, hen e had faen aay, You raised us up again, did not cease do a things unti You had brought us up heaven, had endoed us ith Your kingdom hich is come For a se things e give thanks You, Your onybegotten Son, Your Hoy Spirit; for a things hich e kno hich e kno not, her manifest or unseen And e thank You for this iturgy hich You have deigned accept at our hs, though re st by You thouss archanges hosts anges, cherubim seraphim, sixinged, many eyed, ho soar at, borne on ir pinions, singing triumphant hymn, shouting, procaiming, saying: The Tri or or ni ty, ship ship one Fa Fa r r in es Son Son sence, b œ œ J & Ho y Spir it The Tri ni ty,? b J œ J J œ Ho y Spir it: The Tri ni ty, & b J un di vid ed b & un di vid ed? b J œ un di vid ed one one in in es sence, es sence, XX2

73 j j j Anaphora & b J œ Ho y! Ho y Ho y! Lord Sa ba oth! & b Ho y! Ho y! Ho y! Bishop: With se bessed poers, O oving Master, e aso cry aoud say: You are hoy, most hoy, You Your onybegotten Son Your Hoy Spirit! You are hoy, most hoy, magnificent is Your gory! For You so oved Your ord as give Your onybegotten Son, that hoever beieves in Him shoud not perish but have eterna ife For hen He had come fufied a pan savation for us, in night hich He as given up, or rar, in hich He gave Himsef up for ife ord, He ok bread in His hoy, pure, bameess hs; hen He had given thanks bessed it, haoed it, broken it, He gave it His hoy discipes apostes, saying: Take! Eat! This is my body hich is broken for you, for remission sins Lord Sa? b J œ Ho y! Ho y! Ho y! & b j œ J Ĵ«j Hea ven earth are fu Your go ry! Lord Ho san na b & Hea ven earth are fu ry! Ho san na in in Sa ba ba high high? b œ J œ J œ Hea ven earth are fu Your go Your go ry! Ho san na & b J œ J Bessed is He Who comes in name Lord! Ho san na in high est! & b Bessed is He Who comes in name Lord! Ho sanna in high est!? b J œ J œ Bessed is He Who comes in name Lord! in Ho sanna in high high oth! oth! est! est! est! est! XX3

74 j & b j œ Ĵ«A men & b A men? b œ J A men Anaphora Bishop: And ikeise, after supper, He ok cup, saying: Drink it, a you! This is My Bood Ne Testament, hich is shed for you for many, for remission sins & b A men & b A men? b A men Bishop: Do this in remembrance Me! Remembering this saving commment a those things hich have come pass for us: Cross, mb, Resurrection on third day, Ascension in heaven, Sitting at right h, Second gorious Coming Your on your on e fer un you, on behaf a for a & b œ J œ We praise You! We bess You! We give thanks un You, O Lord & b œ We praise You! We We bess You! We give thanks un You, O Lord? b œ J œ We praise You! bess You! We give thanks un You, O Lord XX4

75 j j Anaphora & b œ J œ J œ And e pray un You, O our God, e pray un Ẏou O our God & b œ And e pray un You, O our God, e pray un You, O our God? b J œ J œ And e pray un You, O our God, Bishop: O Lord, Who sent don Your most Hoy Spirit upon Your apostes at third hour: do not take Him from us, O Good One, but rene Him in us ho pray You Deacon: Create in me a cean heart, O God put a ne right spirit ithin me Bishop: O Lord, Who sent don Your most Hoy Spirit upon Your apostes at third hour: do not take Him from us, O Good One, but rene Him in us ho pray You Deacon: Cast me not aay from Your presence, take not Your Hoy Spirit from me Bishop: O Lord, Who sent don Your most Hoy Spirit upon Your apostes at third hour: do not take Him from us, O Good One, but rene Him in us ho pray You Furrmore e fer You this reasonabe unboody orship, ask You, impore You, suppicate You: send don Your Hoy Spirit upon us upon se gifts here fered Deacon: Bess, Master, hoy bread Bishop: And make this bread precious Body Your Christ Deacon: Amen Deacon: Bess, Master, hoy cup Bishop: And that hich is in this cup precious Bood Your Christ Deacon: Amen Deacon: Bess both, Master Bishop: Making change by Your Hoy Spirit Deacon: Amen Amen Amen Deacon: Remember me a sinner, hoy Master Bishop: May Lord God remember you in His Kingdom, aays, no ever un ages ages e pray un You, O our God XX5


77 œ_ MEGALYNARION TO THE THEOTOKOS Megaynarion Theokos Bishop: especiay for our most hoy, pure, most bessed gorious Lady, Theokos evervirgin Mary, & b It is tru y right & b œ It is tru y right bess You, O? b It is tru y right & b The o kos E ver XXI1 bes & b œ The o kos E ver ver bes sed sed sed bess bess most most most? b œ The o kos E bes & b Mo r our God More hon ra be than che ru bim & b œ Mo r our our God More hon ra be than che You, You, pure pure pure O O ru bim #œ? b n Mo r God More hon ra be than che & b jj more gor i ous be yond com pare than se ra phim & b œ J œ œ œ more gor i ous be yond com pare than se ru ra phim? b j more gor i ous be yond com pare than se ra phim bim

78 Megaynarion Theokos & b you With out cor rup tion gave birth God Word & b œ œ œ œ With out cor rup tion you gave birth God Word:? b With out cor rup tion you gave birth God Word : & b œ true The o b & true The o The o? b true kos, & b e mag ni fy You b & e mag ni fy You? b e mag ni fy You kos, kos, XXI2

79 j Commemorations Priest: for hoy prophet, forerunner, baptist John; hoy, gorious aaudabe apostes; for Saint, hom e commemorate day; a Your saints, at hose suppication ook don upon us O God Remember a those ho have faen aseep before us in hope resurrection eterna ife, especiay Grant m rest, O God, here ight Your countenance shines on m Furrmore, e impore You: remember, O Lord, every Orthodox Bishop ho righty teaches Word Your truth; a Priests, Deacons in Christ, every order cergy We aso fer You this reasonabe orship: for hoe ord, for hoy, cathoic, aposic Church; for those ho ive in chastity hoiness ife; for a civi authorities Grant m, O Lord, peacefu times, that e, in ir tranquiity, may ead a cam peacefu ife in a godiness sanctity Among first, remember, O Lord, his Beatitude, Metropoitan, our Godoving Bishop, grant m Your hoy churches for many years in peace, safety, honor, heath, righty defining ord Your truth & b J And a man kind b œ & And a man kind? b J œ And a man kind Priest: Remember, O Lord, this city in hich e de, every city countryside; those ho in faith de in m Remember, O Lord, traveers by, by sea, by air; sick suffering; captives; savation m a remember, O Lord, those ho bring ferings do good orks in Your hoy churches; those ho remember poor; upon us a send forth Your mercies And grant that ith one mouth one heart e may gorify praise Your ahonorabe majestic Name Far Son Hoy Spirit, no ever un ages ages & b œ A men & b œ A men? b œ A men Priest: And mercies our great God Savior Jesus Christ sha be ith a you XXII1

80 j & b J œ And ith your Spir it b œ & And ith your Spi rit? b J œ And ith your Spir it Commemorations XXII2

81 j LITANY BEFORE THE LORD S PRAYER Litany Before Lord s Prayer Deacon: Having remembered a saints, again again in peace et us pray Lord & b Lord, have mer cy & b œ Lord, have mer cy? b œ Lord, have mer cy Deacon: For precious Gifts fered sanctified, et us pray Lord & b J Lord, have mer cy b œ & Lord, have mer cy? b Lord, have mer cy Deacon: That our God, Who oves mankind, receiving m upon His hoy, heaveny, idea atar as a seet spiritua fragrance, i send don upon us in turn His divine grace gift Hoy Spirit, et us pray Lord & b Lord, have mer cy & b œ Lord, have mer cy? b œ Lord, have mer cy Deacon: For our deiverance from a affiction, rath, danger distress, et us pray Lord XXIII1

82 j & b J Lord, have mer cy b œ & Lord, have mer cy? b Lord, have mer Litany Before Lord s Prayer Deacon: Hep us, save us, have mercy on us, keep us, O God, by your grace cy & b Lord, have mer cy & b œ Lord, have mer cy? b œ Lord, have mer cy Deacon: That hoe day may be perfect, hoy, peacefu, siness, et us ask Lord & b Ĵ«j Grant it, O Lord & b Grant it, O Lord? b J œ Grant it, O Lord Deacon: An ange peace, a faithfu guide, a guardian our sous bodies, et us ask Lord & b Grant it, O Lord & b Grant it, O Lord? b Grant it, O Lord XXIII2

83 Litany Before Lord s Prayer Deacon: Pardon remission our sins transgressions, et us ask Lord & b Ĵ«j Grant it, O Lord & b Grant it, O Lord? b J œ Grant it, O Lord Deacon: A things that are good pritabe for our sous peace for ord, et us ask Lord & b Grant it, O Lord & b Grant it, O Lord? b Grant it, Deacon: That e may compete remaining time our ife in peace repentance, et us ask Lord & b Ĵ«j Grant it, O Lord & b Grant it, O Lord? b J œ Grant it, O O Lord Lord Deacon: A Christian ending our ife; painess, bameess, peacefu; a good defense before dread judgment seat Christ, et us ask Lord XXIII3

84 & b Grant it, O Lord & b Grant it, O Lord? b Grant it, O Lord Litany Before Lord s Prayer Deacon: Having asked for unity Faith, communion Hoy Spirit, et us commend ourseves each or, a our ife un Christ our God & b Ĵ«j To You, O Lord b œ & To You, O Lord? b J œ To You, O Lord Bishop: To You e commend our hoe ife our hope, O oving Master We ask you, impore You, suppicate You: count us orthy partake heaveny aesome Mysteries this sacred spiritua tabe ith a pure conscience: for remission sins, for forgiveness transgressions, for communion Hoy Spirit, for inheritance kingdom heaven, for bodness ards You, but not for judgment or condemnation And make us orthy, O master, that ith bodness ithout condemnation e may dare ca on You, heaveny God, as Far, say: XXIII4


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